
Summer Missions

Summer Missions is a ten week internship made possible through the Missouri Missions Offering that pairs Missouri college students with a church leader, or camp team to serve in a variety of ways throughout the summer, in return meeting weekly with their mentor to catch a glimpse into their life and ministry. You could be serving as a camp leader at Super Summer, or traveling to camps across the state providing back up support, working with your community, putting together Bible camps, providing administrative support, or leading a bible study. The possibilities are endless.

Resound Network

Interns will spend 10 weeks connecting with a mentor and churches, gaining experience in ministry, and developing a clear vision of God’s heart and plan for revitalization and replanting. Whether you are a traditional college/seminary student or simply seeking to grow as a church revitalizer in the midst of ministry, our summer program can be shaped to fit your current situation/context.

Through the MBC’s Summer Missions Program, college and seminary students can also receive a stipend provided by the MBC and have an opportunity to earn six hours of bachelors or masters level credit at MBTS or MBU.

Disaster Relief

Join us in helping those affected by disasters all over the country. Working side-by-side, we will forge life-long connections, build leadership skills, and cultivate a heart for people in need.

2023 Summer Missionaries

Joshua Haywood
Black River Baptist Association
Jeremiah Hower
FBC Rolla
Wesley Hughes
Redemption Ranch
Samuel Johnston
The Bridge Collegiate Mizzou
Madelyn Karst
Refuge KC
Peyton Kirby
FBC Festus
Marcelina Lettieri
The Ridge Church
Samuel Luallin
Second Baptist Church of Lebanon
Michael Magnusson
FBC Centralia
Samuel Majors
Redemption Ranch
Jack Miller
Anthem Church
Steven Moerschel
Anthem Church
Elliot Muhlenbruck
Anthem Church
Paul Nelson
NWMSU Lighthouse
Rachel Oswald
Wildwood Baptist Church
Caili Perstrope
Encounter Church
David Petrov
The Bridge Collegiate Mizzou
Emili Pezall
Anthem Church
Ethan Pham
FBC Rolla
Sophia Rapini
Redemption Ranch
Faith Raymond
Black River Baptist Association
Hope Raymond
Black River Baptist Association
Luke Ringer
Refuge KC
Drew Rohrbach
Heart of Missouri Baptist Association
Seth Rouse
Wildwood Baptist Church
Elaina Schumacher
Refuge KC
Dessa Paige Scott
The Ridge Church
Kyler Seyfried
Prince Avenue Baptist Church
Naomi Shaw
Redemption Ranch
Rachel Smith
The Ridge Church
Abigail Stout
Lynwood Baptist Church
Caidyn Strand
Lynwood Baptist Church
Zachary Thomas
Lifepointe Church Sedalia
Zoe Watts
Connection Point Church
McKenzie Whalen
The Ridge Church
Blake Whitaker
MBC Design Team
Zoe Williamson
North Central Missouri
Riley Woodson
Refuge KC in
Jackson Wright
Redemption Ranch
Robert Wright
Kamp Keirsey