Summer Missionary 2023

Zoe Williamson

Where do you currently attend school? North Central Missouri College in Trenton, MO
Where are you serving this summer, and who is your mentor?
North Central Missouri College BSU with Christina Boatright
How did you first encounter Jesus Christ, and how has His lordship continued to change your life?
My first encounter was in a classroom at Wednesday night church while we were talking about missionaries, I felt strong motivation to be baptized. I’ve had my fair share of falling short, but God has never left me. He has been molding and shaping me for the past 13 years, and He continues to every day.
What does the church mean to you?
I think a church family is very Important and it is helpful to have people around you. As for a church building, I don’t believe that it is the important factor. Wherever people are gathered in His name, that is what I call church.
As a student, how have you shared – and are currently sharing – your faith with others?
I share my faith by being a kind smile and a good friend to all people I meet. Showing God’s love through my actions.
What do you feel is your vocational call (future career), and how do you anticipate sharing your faith through that call?
My future career path is leaning towards starting my own business. I’m not sure what the business will be quite yet. My current plan is to follow God and just see where He takes me.
Why do you want to be a summer missionary?
Missions can be anywhere, anytime, and doing anything. God can work in any situation and use everything. I heard about this opportunity and thought that this is an open door and I’m going to walk through it until God closes it.