Summer Missionary 2023

Drew Rohrbach

Where do you currently attend school? Oklahoma Baptist University
Where are you serving this summer, and who is your mentor?
Heart of Missouri Baptist Association with Preston Thompson (DOM)
How did you first encounter Jesus Christ, and how has His lordship continued to change your life?
When I was a young boy, I gave my life to Christ and was baptized because I thought it was the right thing to do to please my parents. I lived in a Christian home that greatly encouraged faith, but I did not have my own independent faith but was relying on my parent’s faith. As I was walking in my own way, I developed anger issues and was stuck in depressive episodes. But God reached out to me at my lowest point, and I heard a voice from Him saying, “I have a plan and purpose for you.” That was the moment I knew I need run to Him and build my own relationship with Him. Since then, I have seen the Lord help me conquer these sins in my life. Through Christian counseling and support, I am a very positive guy, and I have hope in Christ to live. Now I live trying to change people’s lives through sharing Christ walking with others through discipleship and working with the Lord to conquer all areas of sin in my life.
What does the church mean to you?
Church as a building has been a place of sanctuary to freely worship the Lord and learn about his goodness. As it is a light and sanctuary to all believers, and a call for the devil to beware. The church, as the people of God, has been an impact to learn about so many people’s lives that have similar pains difficulties, and struggles as me. But the most important part is it provides people to walk beside to help overcome these issues and hope for a better eternity with.
As a student, how have you shared – and are currently sharing – your faith with others?
At my college, there is a kids’ mission I go to every Friday that we get to love and share the stories of Jesus with the next generation. We get to do this in a neighborhood of poverty in a place where with out our effort there would be very little choice for these kids to grow up and become anything else than what there community is, broken. I work with the littlest kids. What we do specifically is try to guide them in a Bible story and teach them how to talk to God.
What do you feel is your vocational call (future career), and how do you anticipate sharing your faith through that call?
I honestly do not know. My major is in Christian Ministry in school, and I am waiting specifically for where God calls me and uses me. Where ever the call, my priority should be sharing the Gospel, and leading people to Jesus, using evangelism, discipleship, and reproduction.
Why do you want to be a summer missionary?
Missions is impacting the world through what Christ did in his life and ministry. Whether it is in different countries, states, or even in your own backyard, missions is just going out to live your life for Jesus. I am wanting to do this job so I can learn practically how missions are run, done, and accomplished. As well as challenge my self to use my heart instead of my head to accomplish kingdom impact.