Missouri Baptist students reach out to MSU football team, band
SPRINGFIELD – A year ago, a series of God-ordained happenstance meetings led to the Baptist Student Union (BSU) at Missouri State University (MSU) partnering with local
MBCollegiate reaches international students
JOPLIN – Missouri is home to over 17,000 international college students, according to the 2021 Open Doors Fact Sheet. Over half of those hail from China
MBCollegiate ministries living, active in the summer
JEFFERSON CITY – What exactly do campus ministries do in summer? College students are gone, so ministry efforts cease, and campus missionaries just sit around planning
Westfall to replant MBC campus ministry at Mizzou
COLUMBIA – Missouri Baptist Convention campus missionary Scott Westfall has begun this fall to replant a collegiate ministry at the University of Missouri here. Through the
MWSU Christian Challenge Beach Reach
This year we were excited to be able to plan a spring break mission trip again for the first time since 2020. During the week
Celebrating Salvation at Missouri Valley College
“There is a girl in our ministry that we have been praying for over a year. One of our leaders has been taking her through