
Pray for Christina Boatright – 3/1/23

Pray for 3 girls I have been ministering to recently : Lauryn, Allison, Ariel and their new or renewed walks with Jesus! Pray for Lauryn, Emma, Riley, Zoe, Hannah as many of

Pray for Christina Boatright – 1/1/23

Pray for my dad he is having a lot of issues around his cancer, and he may have surgery soon on his bladder which is risky for someone with stage 5 cancer.

Pray for Christina Boatright – 12/1/22

Pray for Ariel- the girl we are praying and hoping will give her life to Christ! Pray for my dad- his illness causes him severe nose bleeds that are really scary for

Pray for Christina Boatright – 11/1/22

Pray for my dad and his health Allison- a student battling high anxiety from an assault last year. Over all mental health of our college students I have never seen it this

Pray for Christina Boatright – 9/1/22

Pray for: My dad- his cancer is doing as good as can be expected at this point- treatment seems to be helping to slow it down but he is having serious and

Pray for Christina Boatright – 8/1/22

Pray for: My student leaders – Hannah and Jordan that they grow in confidence and knowledge. My dad- he is battling end stage cancer that spread to his bones The new students

Pray for Christina Boatright – 7/1/22

Pray for my dad who was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer, which is the result of being in end stage prostate cancer.  My dad is terminally ill, and we would appreciate prayers

Pray for Christina Boatright – 6/1/22

Pray For: My dad was diagnosed with bone cancer- it’s been found in his ribs, joints and spine. This was not the news we were hoping for but God is helping us