Every month, our Campus Missionaries fill out reports on how God is working in and through their ministries. These answers are taken from their reports with their permission.
What was your greatest leadership development win this month?
Paul Damery, Missouri Western University
This month I spent a considerable amount of time debriefing the semester with student leaders. I’m so encouraged by the ways they adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and continued to lead small groups over zoom meetings. Most of the 8 life groups that began the semester still continued to meet after campus closed to in person meetings! They continued to study the book of Acts together and to pray for one another!
Christina Boatright, North Central Missouri College
One of my students who will be in leadership next school year will also be my summer missionary this summer. She has already stepped up to teach a first and second grade VBS class in a few weeks and she is hoping to be able to mentor an incoming freshman soon!
Atticus Dyer, University of Central Missouri
I continued training Kaitlynn in her new role as administrative assistant, which included handing over many financial and accounting responsibilities.
Greg Xander, Truman State University
Students are wanting to continue to serve others over summer here, when in past that is not usually the case. I’m encouraged by that and love the opportunities they are taking to keep trying to live for Him thru serving.
Reese Hammond, Southeast Missouri State University
We received two more applications for leadership in the Fall. These two young men have been slowly growing in the ministry but have been led to apply and serve.
Levi Springfield (apprentice), Missouri State University
There was tension between two of the students and I was able to sit down and talk to them just to help them be focused on the bigger picture.
Chris Wilson, Missouri State University
A girl, K*, has been stepping up and leading in one of our girl’s groups
Heather Murray, Washington University
I’m working with developing two Japanese-American girls at my church. Since the coronavirus situation has flipped the world upside down, these girls are coming back to their faith in new ways. They joined in studying the Bible and planning creative ministry together. One quit her job and broke up with her boyfriend because they were keeping her from her faith. The other girl is coming to terms with understanding what sin is, struggling with suddenly feeling guilty all of the time. I’m talking with her often about the nature of God’s love and grace, how we are accepted, and that’s why we obey, not that we obey in order to be accepted.
Aaron Werner, Crowder College
For about three weeks now my son has come to the office with me because of the shutdown. We have been able to spend loads more time together. The BSU is going through the RETHINK material, and most of the students are participating in this in some way.
Kyle Rapinchuk, College of the Ozarks
We are pressing into ways to use technology for our leadership development both now and in the future. We are posting more of our LiT content on our website and working towards video content to go along with some of the leadership and discipleship training.
Kale Uzzle, University of Missouri – St. Louis
I got to train a local church earlier in the month on everyday evangelism principles and it went really well. They have a plan in place to launch some sort of college ministry in the Fall and I’m hopeful they might consider aligning with us and getting some coaching from me.
Scott Westfall, Missouri Valley College
We’re setting up one of our summer intern projects this summer to spotlight local churches and make a 30 – 60 sec video of each church and spend time praying over it. The interns already have the invites, questionnaires, and video templates done. Also, seeing the remaining leadership team members serve at our finals free coffee house was great.