Each month, our Campus Missionaries fill out reports on how God is working in and through their ministries. These answers are taken from their June reports with their permission.
What was your greatest discipleship win this month?
Scott Westfall, Missouri Valley College:
The biggest win this month has been watching my interns lead and fulfill our goals in ministry this summer.
Kale Uzzle, University of Missouri St. Louis:
I got to preach at one of our supporting churches yesterday on discipleship in Luke’s Gospel. It was a life-giving experience for me.
Kyle Rapinchuk, College of the Ozarks:
I’ve been meeting with one current and one former student throughout the summer. These two are young men that I have met with repeatedly over the past several years. These conversations have been fruitful and enjoyable.
Aaron Werner, Crowder College
We were able to have a few events before taking off for the month of July. Usually we don’t meet for June and July because of camping season and to plan for the upcoming semester. This year because of everything we decided to do a June/summer Bible Study on Jonah, a life Interrupted. Fitting title considering everything that has happened.
Chris Wilson, Missouri State University
A big win for us has been our former freshman, now sophomores, stepping up to plan our welcome week events.
Levi Springfield, Missouri State University:
I have been meeting with one student pretty directly about the Gospel truth and how he can apply it to his life. A lot of the conversations have been hard in that he is struggling with anxiety problems. Our conversations have been extremely fruitful and have been leading to him being more open and looking inwardly on how a relationship with Christ could help him.
Reese Hammond, Southeast Missouri State University
My students went out and shared the gospel with a local pastor and he was impressed by their work. It was a grace to see others seeing their work and maturity.
Greg Xander, Truman State University
We saw a girl who is friends with our guy who just gave his life to Jesus on spring break come to the end of her journey of being atheist for 10 years!! Yes, she gave her life to Jesus at the beginning of summer before we were really getting to be in her life. And we just so thank God for how he just never gives up. And now because of their friend connection, she is now coming and involved with our students and groups here and sharing her testimony online and helping other believers see how good God is. So we are just loving the opportunity to be faithful with what God has given us, a grad student now alive in Jesus and now we get to disciple with her and watch her continue to be a part of HIS mission.
Timothy & Teresa Toolen, Maryville University:
Since we have still been meeting over Zoom over the summer, a few of our students have said how much this time means to them every week. It is so nice for them to express that. A few weeks ago I did not have time to get very much prepared and I asked them what they wanted to talk about. They said fear and anxiety. It was a very big topic but it was on their mind right now and it turned out to be a very good conversation and searching the Bible together for what is says on the topic.
Christina Boatright, North Central Missouri College:
One of my summer missionaries has started to disciple a young woman in her town, investing in her and encouraging her and encouraging her to know Jesus.
Paul Damery, Missouri Western University:
I learned this month that a pastor from one of our churches has begun meeting one-on-one (his initiative) with one of our staff members. I’m so encouraged when local churches get involved in meaningful discipleship with students.