Campus: Missouri Valley
Ministry: The Bridge Collegiate MoVal
Year: Freshmen
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Santa Maria, California
Tell us a bit about your faith journey.
For most of my life I have been lukewarm. In the summer I went to a revival and someone drove 5 hours to talk to me about God and how God wants a relationship with me and not religion. The guy told me things only God and I knew, and I knew without a doubt in my mind it was the Holy Spirit talking to me through the guy. After that, I decided to give my all to God and get to know Him.
How did you end up at Missouri Valley?
After God healed my arm from surgery, Missouri Valley called me and asked if I could shoot for them. I took a leap of faith trusting this is where God wanted me to go. Since being here, I have been able to talk to people about the good news and do what God has planned for me here.
What’s something God’s been teaching you?
One of the biggest things God has taught me is to trust Him and what He has done for me and not to let the enemy tell me I am not saved. Jesus has done the work for me; all I have to do is believe in Him and accept Him as my Lord and Savior.
What’s it been like being involved with The Bridge Collegiate Ministry?
My involvement in the Bridge has been pretty good. I was scared to go the first few weeks, but I have gone for 5-7 weeks now. I have gotten connected with the football guys and we do Bible study on Tuesdays. We did a guys retreat for a weekend out in the woods; that was pretty fun. God has taught me to serve Him and to put the kingdom of God first, and He has taught me many people don’t know about Jesus and we need to tell them before it’s too late.
Tell us about your recent experiences with the 3 Circles Evangelism Tool.
The 3 Circle bracelets are a great tool I use to spread the good news. God created our hearts sinless but then we ran and fell into sin, and ever since we are broken. When we are broken we feel bad and want to fix it. The only way to fix it is to repent, but we can only do that because Jesus Christ who came down to earth died on the cross and rose again. Now He is the perfect advocate to the Father. Once we put our faith in Jesus and repent and ask Him for forgiveness, we are made whole and back to His perfect creation.
I shared this with my world religion class because I got the opportunity to do a presentation on Christianity. I gave them out and was able to spread the gospel to my whole classroom.
With the bracelets I have been able to reach a lot of people. When I came home to California, I brought some with me. I have given them out to my old teachers and some family who did not believe or just asked for one. The bracelets give me confidence because I get to look at what I am talking about and it feels less religious and more like a relationship.
Describe the spiritual climate of your campus.
I will say that the spiritual climate on my campus is a struggle. People our age are getting their freedom and want to use it and party and do other things college students want to do. I am at war everyday fighting the things of this world.
What do you hope to see happen in your personal ministry on and off campus next semester?
I would like to bring people on campus and off campus to Christ before it’s too late. For on campus I would like to get people from my sports team to come to church with me and for them to start a relationship with Christ.