Kyle Rapinchuk

Pray for Kyle Rapinchuk – 9/23/21

Pray for the consistent involvement of our students. Although our gatherings have had far fewer in number than years’ past, I feel like they have been very Christ-centered, Biblically rooted, and faithful

Pray for Kyle Rapinchuk – 8/23/21

Pray for us as we relaunch Gather, our large group worship gathering. Due to COVID regulations and some other challenges, we will need to meet in a different location than the past,

Pray for Kyle Rapinchuk – 7/19/21

The plans for the campus for the fall are still very unclear, so I am having a lot of difficulty knowing how to plan. Please pray for clarity, wisdom, and confidence in

PRAISE for Kyle Rapinchuk – 6/22/21

Praise! We as a family have improved significantly in our health, and Kristin is making significant steps forward in her long-term health battle. Please pray that she continues to improve steadily.

Kyle Rapinchuk MBCollegiate
Britney Hamm

Everywhere: Worldview, Identity, and the Christ-Centered Life

At this year’s MBCollegiate conference, Kyle Rapinchuk of Ozarks BSU explored some of the major questions that all worldviews must answer. Click the video link below for this thought-provoking word!⠀ ⠀

Pray for Kyle Rapinchuck – 5/19/21

Pray for our decisions on what to do for ministry next year. I feel as though we are in a season of reset, so we can come back with things looking different,

Pray for Kyle Rapinchuk – 4/24/21

Please pray for decisions about next year’s ministry. It’s been very hard to plan for the future while there has been so much uncertainty due to COVID. If we can have large