MBCollegiate Ministry: The Bridge Collegiate Mizzou
Campus Missionary: Scott Westfall
Mission Trip Dates: March 23-30, 2024
Destination: Clearwater, FL
Partner People & Organization(s): Claude and Diana Westfall, FBC Centralia, Midway Heights Baptist Church
# Students on Trip: 14
# Nonstudents on Trip: 7
Organization(s) Served: Calvary Church (Clearwater)/ Calvary Institute
What did your group do during the mission trip?
Beach Evangelism, Door Knocking, Evangelism and discipleship training, Weekly Services
Tell us a bit about how God worked on your trip.
871 people engaged, 71 prayed for, 19 Gospel Shares, 6 follow ups.
Any noteworthy decisions (salvations, baptisms, life transformation, etc.)?
We had one baptism of a girl named Sydney James. Sydney came to our ministry last fall as a freshman who had just given her life to Christ. She was discipled by Brooke Hutchison from our group and saw the need to be baptized. On our spring break trip, Sydney was baptized.
Every time we shared the gospel on the beach we prayed for lives to be changed. Two days after we left Clearwater Beach, a church went to the beach on Easter Sunday to baptize 10 people. It drew a crowd, and they shared the gospel. Over 300 people were baptized. These people were from all over the US and the world. We join in celebrating because of the hours we spent prayer walking the beach.
What was one way you saw your group grow through this trip?
Everyone had an opportunity to share the gospel. We had a shared experience, and our students came back with skills and tools they wanted to share on campus. Trips are one of the best discipleship tools and community makers.
We have two students now praying about the call to ministry. Also because of this trip, one of our guys stepped out in faith and started a Bible study with his friends at home.
Student Quotes
Roman: The first time we went out, Sam and I were walking on the beach. We had the longest walk of anyone, which wasn’t a terrible thing. We had time to talk and figure out what we were going to say. We had walked about a mile down the beach when we just couldn’t find the right person; everyone looked busy and we didn’t want to intrude. I took a second and prayed and asked God to give us someone to talk to. As soon as I looked up Eric, a man from Boston, stood up. We walked up to him and started talking to him about stuff we could pray for him about for 20 minutes. It was a super good talk. We ended with a prayer and went on our way. Ian: Before going on this trip I was nervous about traveling so far and worried it would be more lectures, but it turned out to be so fun and engaging, and I learned so much. The door-knocking and beach evangelism got me out of my comfort zone. The tools and knowledge I learned throughout the week are going to be very useful for my summer missions internship. I am also so excited to bring the tools back to my church and college.
Eli: My door-knocking team got to pray over a man who was new to the area. We were able to extend an invitation to Calvary Church and build a relationship with him.
Emilee: Going into this mission trip I was the most nervous about door-knocking. On our first day of door-knocking, my team, Scott, Theron, and I, started on our first door and were told they did not want prayer. After that, I was a little discouraged, but being on a team with Scott helped. Scott has the ability to naturally talk to people no matter who answers the door. After watching him talk to those who opened the door a couple of times, I was ready to try it on my own. This guy opened the door and was very receptive. He asked multiple different questions regarding faith, and I was able to share the gospel with him. We had about a 30-minute conversation, and now, a team here at Calvary is going to follow up with him. This conversation and the training we received have allowed me to get more comfortable when sharing the gospel with others. I cannot wait to bring the resources we have learned back to Mizzou and do it there.
Deborah: This trip has allowed me to grow bold in my faith and not be afraid to share with others. I’ve also learned so many things from the 4-1-1 model to hospitality in the church that I can easily apply in my daily life and share with my church to help us grow. This trip has truly been life-changing and so much fun.
Trista: This was my second time coming on this trip, and I’m so grateful for the relationship the Bridge and Calvary have been building. The trainings are gospel-centered, engaging, and applicable. The training and tools that Calvary has provided will help tremendously when I go overseas to Italy and serve with the IMB. Big thanks to Troy for being an awesome host and dealing with our craziness all week. Excited to see what God has in store for you! Overall I’m thankful to God for giving me this amazing opportunity to learn more about his goodness and share his love!Brooke: This spring break I had the opportunity to go to Clearwater beach Florida on a mission trip with The Bridge Collegiate ministry. I attended this same trip the previous year and I remember Scott, myself, and two other Mizzou leaders having such an eye-opening experience. We learned so many tools and were encouraged with ideas to bring back to Mizzou. We began praying for laborers and the harvest, and it is so encouraging to see God work through the growth of The Bridge. One memory I will never forget from this trip is being able to baptize Sydney, a member of the Bridge, that I am discipling. The feeling of living out the great commission in Matthew 28:19 is one of the most joyfilled experiences. Additionally one of my favorite things about mission trips is the eternal friendships you build, that you can then go back to your campus on fire for Christ with partners who also want to advance the Kingdom. This trip brought a lot of those relationships.
Anything else you want us to know about your trip?
We invited a young youth pastor from a church in Juarez Mexico to join us on this trip. The last time I partnered with Calvery church it impacted my life and discipleship efficiency that I had to share it. JJ is a gifted leader and I wanted him to have this experience.